Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kindergarten Bound

Emilee is getting ready for Kindergarten. She was really excited. Now I think she might be getting a little bit nervous. I know she is ready. She is already adding and subtracting. She can write her alphabet and she is starting to learn to spell simple words like cat, hat, etc. She knows her address and can write her full name. She is trying to learn to sound out words. Hopefully I can get her to start reading a little bit.

Forrest is repeating everything he hears. He will be 3 years behind Emilee in school. He is getting bigger and bigger everyday. He will probably outgrow Emilee in a year. He is very tall for his age. Sean and I have to constantly remind ourselves that he is only 2 1/2. He is also potty training right now. He likes to wear "big boy" pants. His favorites are Star Wars.

Angelina is 2 months old now. She weighs 10 pounds and is 22" tall. She is growing every day.
I love to hold her and she loves to be held. She wiggles so much. She will be rolling over before I know it.

I love being a mom. It is very challenging, but well worth the struggle. I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed my life with three beautiful loving children and a best friend to share my love and life with. Sean really is my superman. I don't know what I would do without him. He is the back bone of our family. He keeps us strong and all together. Especially when I feel like I am loosing the daily battle of trying to keep my kids happy and my own sanity. He lifts me up when I fall. I love him so much. I thank God for him.

Thanks to all those that keep us in your prayers. We feel your love. And thank you for believing in us. Heavenly Father sends us Angels to watch over us. They are called FRIENDS. Thank you for being there for us.

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