Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Las Vegas Here we come!

The kids and I are going to visit with Family for turkey day. We are all pretty excited! Wish Sean could come too, but this will be some much needed study time for another law school semester finals. Only a few more years to go. ...sigh.... It'll be worth it.
It's been kinda tough with all the little bugs and viruses sneaking through our family. We are just trying to stay healthy. Poor Forrest had strep while I had tonselitis and Baby Angelina had some kind of viral thing going on. Forrest is better and I think Angelina is mostly over hers as well. I am feeling better as I finish off the antibiotics. Now Emilee is sick with some kind of bug. Poor kid. I had to keep her home today and it looks like tomorrow too because she came down with a fever.
Meanwhile my superman is trying to crankout a 20 page paper for school. Go Sean! He is such a trooper. I am thankful for his work ethic. He is determined to finish.

Life is good. We are so blessed to be together.

On another note we traded our lil' old Cadi in for a Nissan Quest minivan. Now we have a bit more room for the car seats. Emilee can actually get to her own seat belt now without having to dig under another carseat. YEAH!!! This makes it quite a bit easier for mommy.

Angelina is trying so hard to crawl. She is almost there. She can turn herself around in a circle and roll over. She was 14 lbs 12 oz. at her 4 mo. visit. I took her in last week because she had a fever and she weighed in at over 16 lbs. Wow! Milk does do a body good! She is already in 6-9 month clothes and still growing. That's my 5mo old. She has learned to giglle and laugh, especially at Emilee. She just loves her big sis.

Emilee is reading small books and excited about it. I am so thankful for that.
Forrest is now pretending to read. He wants to be like his big sis.
Angelina is just trying to keep up with the two.
As for me I am keeping busy trying to do laundry and sell Scentsy.

Oh and Sean has added another adventure for us. We are now reps for ACN. So if you need to renew or change service for local/long distance, digital phone, wireless, or satelite tv let me know.

Oh and I started an etsy account to sell the baby blankets I've been making.

Always busy. Always entertained. :)

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